Saturday, March 03, 2007

Naming Places...

this has been the long minute i have had between blog entries since i bought my house in blogville. orisirisi has been going on beside the scene, most of it i cant throw on here yet cos its not ripe enough. anywho, body still dey inside cloth, but as usually during one of the silent minutes i had while i was MIA, this came up and i thot to seek wat you all think.

have you ever wondered how places get their names or how certain places got their names. I could assume places like new england, new york, were most likely named by the first settlere who crossed the big water to the new world, most likely from west europe, thus they named their new homeland as a reminder of where they originally came from.

theres a place on slanting island called snake hill, first thot after hearing the name snake hill might be that its infested or was infested by snakes. but driving up or down snake hill and the way the road meanders makes u think u r doing the snake dance.

anywho moving on, u probaby be wondering where this talk of names if taking me to right. not to worry i'll let u in on it soon. i've come up with some reason for some names, somewhere like buffalo,ny might have been named cos tehre used to be a large buffalo population, a place like great kills (another place on slanting island), jamaica,ny might have been named for numerous reasons i'm not willing to find out.

but of all the names and places whose names get me into the wonder wonder mode, nothing gets me in the wonder wonder mode like the names of some places in new jersey. some names in NJ, are so thot provoking that it has provoked my thots past its limit.

OK take for excampdle, names like ESSEX county, MIDDLESEX county, i cant help but think that those places had enough redlight districts for them to be named such, even sometimes when i hear SOMMERSET sp. county, it sounds more like SUMMERSEX county to me, but going by my buffalo, ny or my snake hill theories, am i free to assume that SEX really had something to do in the naming of those places.

i'll be back later with more of my thinkings.. i'll make updating my blog a lot regular than it was in february.


Mari said...

ESSEX and MIDDLESEX I presume are taken from the UK. The whole of the upper North side abi, North East side is all named after some place in the UK. I guess as u said alot has to do with the British in the early days. Don't know how true but back then, the US, the New World was considered a dumping ground for criminals and those given some sort of sentencing.

I don't blame u for thinking Snake Hill was infested by snakes coz honestly that would be my one and only thought.

Anonymous said...

lol.. baaaaaaad boy.. who thinks of this stuff but you? anyways i'm glad you're back but i hope you update more oh.. i've missed you luv