Saturday, December 02, 2006

over my hangover

yes o, its unofficially official! i finally recovered from my thanksgiving hangover. not like i over nourished or anything o but for some reason i've been having this severe case of excusitis which has been holding me back from blogging.

anywho, people never seem to amaze me with the kinda things they do or say. i've come in contact with a lot of orisirisi people in this my simple life. i've met those that are willing to download their life history to u within a few minutes of meeting u and leaving no stones unturned at detailing things. anywho thats not the koko thats amazing me today neither is it their asking me why u have to put gasoline inside a generator and why not have an "electric" electric generator. anywho i hope that kinda gave all y'all a lil insight into the kinda people i meet on a daily basis.

anywho, i met this lady today who wants to buy a treadmill for her DOG! yes, you read right, her DOG! said dog is a 3month old german shepherd who weights over 70lbs, doesnt eat dog biscuits (healthy foods only, i.e. carrots, apples et all). she says scoobydoo has too much energy, is growing fast (might grow up to 150lbs) and she cannot keep up with scooby whenever she takes scooby for a walk. long story short, she is willing to cuff out $600.00 for a treadmill for scoopy to keep in shape(damn dog got a xmas gift already while vera is still here hoping and praying to get somn). her words went somewhat like,"i'll use it to tire him out b4 i take him for a walk that way i wont have to chase after him." all i could say is some dogs got it good. but then i'm not surprised cos i've seen people push their dogs in strollers and something close to a baby carriage


The Life of a Stranger called me said...

dog wants to loose weight. Too funy. Does dog have an admirer. LOL. Dogs life is good oo. This dog owner is good - there is nothing you will not hear from some people.

ChiefO said...

wat r u saying?